Although it is the more rare type of diabetes, there are options in the treatment for diabetes insipidus. While this version of the disease only affects about 3 out of 100,000 individuals, those who suffer from it are at risk of dehydration and potassium loss, which can lead to further problems. Diabetes insipidus is different from its similarly-named cousin, diabetes mellitus, for the reason that while diabetes mellitus means a lack of or improperly functioning insulin within the body, diabetes insipidus connotes a lack of antidiuretic hormone, or kidneys that do not respond properly to the hormone. Often the result for individuals who suffer from this type of diabetes is a constant thirst and an equally constant need for urination. With diabetes insipidus, the high blood glucose levels of the diabetes mellitus patient are not present.

The diagnosis of diabetes insipidus can be achieved through a urine test or a blood test when the aforementioned constant thirst and need for urination are experienced. High levels of sodium in blood electrolytes can be a positive identifier of the condition, as this often means the patient in question is suffering from dehydration. A patient who is being tested for diabetes insipidus will often be denied the intake of liquid, which allows doctors to differentiate between a normally-functioning body and the body of a diabetes insipidus patient. Where the normal body will conserve urine when denied an intake of liquid, the individual suffering from diabetes insipidus will continue to urinate even without the presence of new liquid entering the body.

Once a person has been diagnosed with this type of diabetes, the treatment for diabetes insipidus usually involves the use of desmopressin. This treatment method applies to the cases of central and gestational diabetes insipidus. Central diabetes insipidus involves a lack of antidiuretic hormone in the brain, whereas gestational diabetes insipidus usually affects pregnant women, and involves a surplus of production of the hormone in the placenta. Natural treatment for diabetes insipidus often involves maintaining a high level of hydration for the patient in question – often times, simply drinking enough water throughout the course of the day can be the best natural treatment for diabetes insipidus.


Treatment for Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus


In other types of diabetes insipidus, such as nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (wherein the kidney is not able to respond properly to antidiuretic hormone,) certain diuretics can be used. When this type of treatment for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is applied, the body becomes able to conserve water and absorb sodium to a degree that allows for normal functionality. Unlike the aforementioned types of diabetes insipidus, this type of the condition means that desmopressin will not work to alleviate the symptoms.


Natural Treatment for Diabetes Insipidus


In all cases, whether central, gestational, or nephrogenic in nature, doctors will recommend that the patient in question maintains a high level of hydration on a daily basis. With this focus on constant hydration, it is possible for a diabetes insipidus patient to live a normal life, albeit one in which large quantities of water must be ingested daily. It is also important, of course, for anyone suffering from any diabetes insipidus-related conditions to carry identification on their person so that doctors will know of their condition and treat them accordingly, especially in emergency situations.