Signs of gestational diabetes in pregnancy may not show until the third trimester. Gestational diabetes is a condition in which high blood sugar levels are found during pregnancy. It occurs in about 4% of pregnancies.

Almost all women develop glucose intolerance to some degree. It is the result of hormonal changes. These hormones help to prevent the mother from having too low of blood sugar levels, and normally extra insulin is produced as well. In cases of gestational diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to counter the raised blood sugar levels.

Normally, there are no signs of gestational diabetes in pregnancy until the mother is tested by her doctor. Still, you should speak to your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Increased thirst
  • Increase urination
  • Hunger which persists after meals
  • Blurred vision


Women are expected to urinate more and feel hungry more often during pregnancy. So, many of the signs of gestational diabetes during pregnancy are overlooked. Doctors generally will test for the condition between the 24th and the 28th weekof pregnancy. If you notice any of these symptoms beforehand, it is best to speak to your doctor to let him know that you may be at risk.


Risk Factors of Gestational Diabetes


Anyone could potentially develop gestational diabetes; some people are naturally more at risk than other. For example, if you have a family history of diabetes or you are of a certain ethnic group. Ethnic groups which carry a higher risk of gestational diabetes include: Hispanic American, African American, Native American, and Asian American.

If you are obese or overweight you also carry a higher risk factor, and if you have had gestational diabetes before you will probably have it again. Gestational diabetes is much more common in women that are over 35, women that have had an overweight baby before, and women who have had a previous stillbirth. Other signs of gestational diabetes during pregnancy include:

  • A history of glucose intolerance
  • A history of type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Too much amniotic fluid during pregnancy


You may not show any of these risk factors and still be diagnosed with gestational diabetes, but the more that you have, the more you are likely to develop it. If you have a number of these risk factors, you may want to speak to your doctor and see if there are any ways to reduce your risk. Keeping carbohydrates low and eating lots of fruits and vegetables is a good way to start.