Some people inherit diabetes while other develop the disease through an unbalanced diet. Many people turn to herbs for diabetes alternative treatment. Besides the implementation of healthy diet and exercise habits, herbs can also help keep blood sugar levels in check. Information posted at lists several herbal remedies for diabetes alternative treatment. According to the site, consuming a reasonable amount of cinnamon and honey will provide an alternative treatment for diabetes by controlling sugar levels in the blood. Cinnamon has added benefits because of its ability to improve appetite and sooth an upset stomach. When combined with vegetables and certain foods, “another dimension is added to them.”

Some types of leaves have shown themselves to be effective for diabetes alternative treatment. Like cinnamon, butea leaves are said to reduce and control blood sugar levels. Some people recommend boiling the leaves, but they may also be consumed raw. It just comes down to personal preference. Mango leaves in dried or powdered form are also beneficial. The leaves may be left to soak in a liquid, such as water, over night and be drunk in the morning. Chewing on ten curry leaves is also thought to be a diabetes alternative treatment. Besides bringing blood sugar down, they can aid in weight loss. Curry leaves may be used in salads or in the cooking of other foods for alternative treatment diabetes. According to Organic Jar, curry leaves are especially helpful when dealing with hereditary diabetes. So if a person shows no symptoms of diabetes but has it in their family, they may consider implementing curry leaves in to their diet as a preventative measure.

The consumption of fenugreek seeds is another diabetes treatment alternative. They can be eaten raw or mixed into a beverage. Some people allow the seeds to soak in a glass of water over night. The seeds may also be used in cooking. Being consistent is also key when it comes to fenugreek seeds, and they should be used daily if a person hopes to see results as an alternative diabetes treatment.

Bitter gourd is also known for being an alternative treatment for diabetes. It is a recommended regular part of every diabetic’s diet. Drinking bitter gourd first thing in the morning before consuming any other food or beverage (even coffee) is believed to be effective. Bitter gourd is also available in powdered form that can be mixed with food or drinks. Bitter gourd may also be mixed with Indian gooseberry, which is high in vitamin C. This combination taken every couple of months is good for diabetes alternative treatment because it provides vital insulin-producing insulin to the pancreas. Although these herbs can provide great alternative treatment for diabetes, nothing can take the place of a balanced diet and sufficient exercise regimen. A special focus should be placed on foods that have a low glycemic index.