For the millions of diabetics worldwide, diabetic diseases result when too much blood sugar (high glucose level) remains in the blood for a long period of time. For many, the uncontrolled blood sugar is a result of undiagnosed diabetes. Most diabetics have diabetes long before they actually are aware of the problem. For others, poor management of their diabetes is the cause of the high sugar levels. Whatever the reason, diabetes diseases are too often the end result. And some of them can be serious. This is the single best reason why you should have blood sugar level testing done annually. Catching diabetes early gives you the best chance of being able to control it naturally without having to be dependent on insulin or other medication. And controlled diabetes means less likelihood of diabetic diseases developing later. Some of the diabetic diseases that may develop are discussed briefly here.


Diabetic Eye Diseases


The diabetic diseases that will impact your quality of life most is diabetes diseases of the eyes. It is the one of the leading causes of blindness in the world, and the leading cause of blindness for people under age 65 in the United States. Diabetic diseases of the eyes can cause anything from temporary blurring of vision to permanent loss of vision. It also increases greatly the incidence of both cataracts and glaucoma. And the sad part of this is that it can mostly be avoided by proper control of blood sugar levels. Even in borderline cases, blood sugar level control is crucial to keeping diabetic diseases of the eyes, as well as many other organs, at bay. Natural and alternative medicine offers many alternatives to insulin use. So you should never avoid controlling your blood sugar out of fear of depending on insulin.


Diabetic Skin Diseases


Diabetes and uncontrolled blood sugar affects all the organs of the body, and since the skin is the largest organ, it is certainly not immune to diabetic diseases. But again, it all comes down to controlling the blood sugar levels as soon as possible. Some of the diabetic diseases of the skin are not very serious, can develop into a serious condition if ignored. Some of the diabetic diseases of the skin are:

  • Vitiligo – this condition affects the skin color. The diabetes destroys the cells that make pigment. Pigment is what colors the skin. Patches of discoloration appear in facial areas and on the abdomen. It can be so deforming that some people resort to micropigmentation to cover it. This is essentially tattooing
  • Acanthosis nicricans – this is one of many diabetic diseases of the skin that results in thickening of the skin. It is more common in obese people. The condition is not reversible and only gets worse with time. It is the result of insulin resistance, but if you never allow your diabetes to reach a point where you become insulin-dependent, this won’t be an issue. Again here, natural, alternative methods incorporated early will help you avoid this condition


Other skin conditions as minor as blisters and rashes to serious fungal infections are all diabetic diseases of the skin that are too numerous to mention in this article. But infections of the skin often result in amputations and even infections that can be fatal.