Diabetes is such a complex disease that it often requires several types of diabetes doctors to keep a person well. Endocrinologists are usually referred to as diabetes doctors, and they should be central in your diabetes treatment. There are many other specialists you will likely have to see over the years. Normally a healthcare teamis assembled for you, but this doesn’t mean that you have no control over the matter. If you would rather see one specialist over another simply speak to your primary care physician about the choices that you have made. After all, you are the most important member of your healthcare team.


Finding the Best Diabetes Doctors


According to Diabetes24-7.com, when looking for the best diabetes doctors, you should begin as you would when trying to find out about any other type of pertinent information – by networking. Speaking with friends, family, and other diabetics is a good way to get an insight of what differs between the doctors and what doctors have been the most helpful to others. Diabetes support groups are not only help you in dealing with the emotions of having the disease, but also help you with pertinent advice on things like keeping up with the best treatments, preventing the complications of the disease, and finding the best diabetes doctors for your situation.

Once you have gathered a few good names, don’t hesitate to check their credentials over the internet. This is a fast way to see if the doctor that you’ve heard about is really what you’re looking for, or it can give you some names to start with before you begin asking around at all.Some websites even include patient ratings and comments to help you make this important choice. Websites which will provide you with information about the doctors in your area are:

  • Wellness.com
  • WebMD.com
  • AMA-ASSN.org
  • Findadoc.com
  • HealthGrades.com
  • DoctorDirectory.com


Visiting the Top Diabetes Doctors


Once you have looked into some of the top diabetes doctors in your area, and you have narrowed down a few key choices, it is time to pay them a visit. You want to be sure and do this because being able to communicate and build a good rapport with you doctor is critical, especially since your diabetes care depends highly on self-management. You should evaluate your choices by:

  • How well they communicate with you
  • How good of listening skills they have
  • If they network well
  • Whether they are willing to try new approaches
  • Whether they seem to appreciate your input
  • If they have time to listen to your concerns
  • If they have the right credentials and/or significant experience
  • If they are well trained
  • If they have the best combination of skills for your condition