Many people would like to know how to reverse diabetes naturally, and many people claim to have the answer. One article posted on describes one case. This article, Reversing Diabetes is Possible, describes the story of Jonathan Legg who got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 39. So, instead of relying on medication, he made some lifestyle changes, such as exercising every day, changing his diet, cutting out alcohol and fatty foods, and watching his carbs. He was able to figure out how to reverse diabetes naturally; however, if he were to ever fall out of the right glucose range, he would be at risk of developing it again. It takes a lot of determination to do what this man did, but he states that he would rather keep it up than to live as a diabetic.

Excess body weight can affect every organ in the body system. Elimination of fat by exercise, and limiting carbohydrates and alcohol can help your glucose levels stay in a normal range. The following are some tips on how to reverse diabetes:

  • It is easier to turn the situation around when you are a pre diabetic.
  • Meet with physicians to determine a diet plan. Try to learn from professionals, and don’t try to do it all on your own.
  • Cut out as many sugar and carbs as possible and increase fiber and protein.
  • Exercise Daily and Stay Active


None of this is possible, of course, without educating yourself on the process. If you want to learn the truth about diabetes & how to reverse it check out the following products:


How to Reverse Diabetes Book

One famous book on how to reverse diabetes naturally is Death to Diabetes. It looks at diabetes from the cellular level. It is concise, easy to read, and customizable to the patient’s needs.

How to Reverse Diabetes in 30 Days

Simply Raw is an independent documentary film which shows the story of several participants who were able to reverse their diabetes through diet.  The video is available for purchase at

How to Reverse Diabetes Now

How to Reverse Diabetes Now!is an e-book about how to reverse diabetes naturally. One review, posted on claims that it is not completely convincing, but very thought provoking and worth the read. You can receiver a How to Reverse Diabetes free download through


How to Reverse Pre Diabetes describes how a person can reverse pre diabetes with better eating and supplements. According to the article, signs of pre diabetes include abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high levels of triglycerides, low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, and high levels of blood sugar or insulin. As stated above, it is much easier to reverse pre diabetes than to try to figure out how to reverse diabetes naturally.

One must first understand that for most of the time that humans have been on earth, there were no such thing as refined sugar and refined carbohydrates. Therefore, our genes don’t know how to deal with them. Diets should reflect the diets of past civilizations with emphasis on fresh broiled fish, baked chicken, and high fiber vegetables. As a general rule, remember that protein and high-fiber vegetables stabilize blood sugar levels.

Now in looking to the past, one should also note that in the diets of our ancestors large meals were often prepared. This is one part of the diet that should not be reflected. Keep in mind that it took a lot of activity to survive back then, so larger meals were needed. Now-a-days people do not actively work from before sunrise through nightfall any longer, so we don’t have the opportunity to burn off these large meals. This is why smaller portions and daily exercise is so important in reversing pre diabetes and diabetes.