For centuries, diabetic herbal treatments have been used to remedy the disease. Over the years, scientific research has confirmed efficiency in some diabetic remedies. According to, the following are herbal treatments that have been proved effective and relatively non-toxic:

Pterocarpusmarsupium – This tree has gum-resin that has a long history of being used in India as a diabetic herbal treatment. Research has showed it to have prevented alloxan-induced beta cell damage in rats. The herbs that come from it include Kino, Malabar Kino, Pitasara, Venga.

Bitter Melon – This is a tropical vegetable. It can be found in abundance in Asia, Africa, and South America. Its juice or extract has been found in clinical studies to lower blood sugar. High doses can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. It should not be used by anyone with hypoglycemia or anyone taking hypoglycemic drugs. Also, it should not be administered to children.

GymnemaSylvestre – This herb assists the pancreas in the production of insulin in type 2 diabetics. It also helps the body’s insulin lower blood sugar and reduces cravings for sweets. It is a great component to add when you are taking diabetic herbal treatments.

Onion and Garlic – The active ingredients in these are allyl propyl disulphides (APDS) and diallyldisulphide oxide (allicin). Flavonoides may play a role as well. APDS has been shown to lower glucose levels and raise insulin levels. Allicin has a similar effect. Onion extract has been found to reduce blood sugar levels, even when small amounts were used in diet. It works by increasing the release of insulin, and/or prevent insulin’s destruction. Furthermore, garlic and onions have been found to have beneficial cardiovascular effects, lower lipid level, and inhibit platelet aggregation.


Herbal Remedies for Weight Loss


Increasingly, herbs and supplements are starting to be used for weight loss. Remember to speak to your doctor before trying any new diabetic herbal treatments, as they can work adversely with your medications and blood sugar levels. The following herbs/supplements are often used for weight loss:

  • Chitosan is made from a starch found in the skeletons of shrimp, crab, and shellfish. Chitosan works because it cannot be digested, and passes through your intestinal tract without absorbing. In addition, it chitosan binds to fatty food, removing some of the body as it passes through.
  • Chromium is thought to enhance insulin effect and breakdown carbohydrates. However, there is no concrete evidence to show this.
  • Pyruvate can be found in various foods like red apples, cheese, and red wine. It boosts the metabolism and decreases appetite.