Diabetes can be very painful at times, and other times it can be very emotionally hard to bear. If you are seeking diabetic relief, there are a lot of options out there that can help you to find it. This article outlines ways that a person can find emotional, stress, a pain relief for diabetes.

One of the best things that a person with diabetes can try is yoga. Adopting a yoga routine help you to find relief from diabetic symptoms and possibly overcome the condition. There are “postures and breathing exercises that are designed specifically to target and stimulate the pancreas” states YogaTherapWeb.com. The exercises have been known to improve blood flow and rejuvenate pancreas cells.

Practicing yoga for 40 to 60 minutes in the morning or evening is recommended. When beginning yoga, start simple and do not over-exert yourself, and then progress overtime. This can not only bring about pain relief, but emotion and stress related diabetic relief as well.


Diabetic Pain Relief


Aside from the pain medications your doctor prescribes, there are alternative methods that have proven themselves very helpful in providing pain relief. Sometimes the methods can seem unconventional at first, but they truly have produced some very good results for many people. The following methods provide pain relief without the use of medication:

Biofeedback: Biofeedback is a means of training your body to decrease the severity of your pain. It can be used to help control migraine pain, seizures, high blood pressure, and other common problems. It is not hard to master, and only takes a few sessions to train your biological system.

Meditation: Meditation is now being offered in many pain treatment centers because of the effectiveness it has shown. In meditation, a person focuses on their breathing and ignores their thoughts. Repeating a word of phrase, called a mantra, helps the body to relax. Meditation helps to relieve stress, improve heart rate, and lower blood pressure. It is easy enough to learn on one’s own, but taking a class is very helpful.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a technique that is based in traditional Chinese medicine. It uses fine needles that are inserted into the skin to stimulate particular points of the body. The theory is that energy flows through the body along certain pathways. Pain is the result of energy being blocked or out of balance. Therefore, acupuncture is used to unblock or balance the flow of energy in a person’s body (Diabetes.webmd.com, 2011).


Diabetic Neuropathy Relief


There are several types of medications that can be administered to give diabetic neuropathy relief. One such is Acetaminophen, which works by blocking pain messages in the brain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may also be used. These both fight inflammation and pain. Topical Medication is another type of drug that is used in pain relief for diabetic neuropathy. It is applied directly to the skin. This medication is often applied for diabetic foot pain relief or diabetic leg pain relief.

Diabetic Nerve Pain Relief


According to Diabetes.Webmd.com, stress can make neuropathy pain worse, so it is important to learn how to relax. Learning breathing patterns can bring about diabetic relief and help you to relieve stress. If possible, find a quiet location and a comfortable body position to block out worries and distracting thoughts. Most of these breathing techniques can be used anywhere, however, once your become accustomed. They include:

Rhythmic breathing: Take long slow breaths, counting to five as you inhale and to five as you exhale. Paying attention to the way your body relaxes will help you to relax even more.

Visualized breathing: Close your eyes and picture relaxation entering your body, and the tension leaving your body. Use rhythmic breathing, and picture the breath coming into your nostril, intoyour longs, and expanding your chest cavity. Now visualize the same way as you breathe out.

Guided imagery: Use your mental imagery to provide yourself with diabetic relief. By using your imagination to bring peaceful, calming images to mind, you can give yourself a mental escape. If you feel a negative thought coming, simply push it away. Focus only on positive thoughts and emotions. Some people use music in their guided imagery techniques because it helps to bring images and emotions to mind.