In a recent article published in the Reader’s Digest it was said that using herbs for diabetes can have great results. According to the referenced article, there are several herbs that naturally lower blood sugar when consumed in the correct amounts. If there are herbs available that naturally lower blood sugar and boost insulin, it would go to reason that these herbs to treat diabetes might actually work.

Since there are different types of diabetes, it is important to understand your diagnosis and consult your physician before beginning an herbal treatment. Herbs tend to be most effective for type II (insulin resistant or adult onset) diabetes. With type II diabetes, the body produces insulin but has a difficult time utilizing it properly to metabolize sugar. Thus, diabetes herbs that lower blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity would help with treating this condition.

With any type of diabetes, utilizing herbs that decrease blood sugar can be beneficial. Again, it is important to consult your physician before starting any new treatment or adding any herbs or supplementation to make sure that the product is safe in combination with your other treatments.


Herbs for Diabetes Treatment: Which Herbs are Recommended and Why?


There are several herbs that are said to lower blood sugar. These herbs include Gymnema Sylvestre, Bitter Melon, Magnesium (a mineral), Prickly Pear Cactus, Chromium (a mineral), Onion (a vegetable), Garlic (a vegetable), and Fenugreek.

According to, there is an herb called pterocarpus marsupium that contains a flavonoid called epicatechin and a crude alcohol extract, and both of these substances have been found to actually “regenerate functional pancreatic beta cells.” According to this article, no other substance, natural or man made, has ever been shown to have these affects on the body.

According to the same article on, blueberry leaves contain a compound that when injected can act much like insulin (just not as strong) but without the toxic effects. They state, “A single dose can produce beneficial effects lasting several weeks.”

The herb Billberry is said to help with diabetic complications to the eyes, such as retinopathy and cataracts. Ginko Biloba has been used to treat the early stages of diabetic neuropathy. recommends this herbal combination to combat any pancreatic issues.

“For all pancreatic problems:
1 part uva ursi
1 part goldenseal
1 part elecampane
2 parts dandelion root
2 parts cedar berries
1 part fennel part ginger 

Mix the powdered herbs and put them in #00 capsules. Take them after every meal.” 


Diabetes Chinese Herbs: How do Chinese Herbs Work?


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) evaluates and diagnoses diabetes much differently than does western medicine. According to an article on, the name used for diabetes in TCM is “Wasting and Thirsting Disease.”  This article goes on to explain:

“Wasting and Thirsting Disease is thought to be caused by a collapse of the Yin of the Kidney, the Spleen, or the Lungs.

Research (see below) and a great body of human experience has shown that Chinese herbal medicine can be helpful for treating type 2 (adult onset) diabetes. For the best results, it is important to begin with a Chinese medical diagnosis that identifies the organs involved.  This enables the practitioner to construct a formula appropriate for the individual pattern.  Different herbs and formulae are required to build yin in various organs.”

As you can see, there are several herbs to treat diabetes, and perhaps even a few herbs to cure diabetes. If you would like to explore alternative diabetes treatments, such as natural herbs for diabetes or Chinese herbs for diabetes, be sure to consult your physician before starting this or any other treatment. If you physician is unfamiliar with this type of treatment, ask for a referral to a traditional diabetes specialist or a Chinese physician to help diagnose your condition properly and set up a plan that will work for you.