An herbal remedy for diabetes may be used to help in controlling blood sugar levels, losing weight, or avoiding complications of the disease. When using an herbal remedy for diabetes, be sure to inform your physician and discuss how this will fit into your treatment plan. An herbal remedy is not a replacement for medication, but rather a tool to help your treatment continue in the best way possible.

It is true that one should be diligent when searching for an herbal remedy for diabetes, but that does not mean that a diabetes herbal remedy should be discounted. Many herbal remedy diabetes treatments not only have been used for centuries, but have proven themselves with scientific backing as well. According to, each herbal remedy for diabetes listed below has been used traditionally in the area in which they grow. They include:

Allium – You may know allium sativum as a common kitchen spice called garlic. This herbal remedy for diabetes offers not only micro-circulatory effects, but antioxidant properties as well. Studies have also found it to directly affect insulin and blood glucose levels in a positive manner.

Aloe Vera – Many of us are familiar with the healing effects of Aloe Vera. It is known throughout the globe and used for treating burns, protecting skin, and healing wounds. However, there are not many people who know that it has been used for centuries to treat diabetes. Dried Aloe Vera sap and gel lowers fasting blood glucose levels. Using the gel is also an excellent way to treat foot injuries to avoid complications.

Bauhinia forficate – This herbal remedy for diabetes grows in South America. It is sometimes referred to as ‘vegetable insulin’ because of its hypoglycemic affects. Some studies have suggested that the effect of this herbal remedy for diabetes is overrated.


Herbal Remedy &Diabetes Studies


On the website of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), a systematic review can be found. This review was conducted on the published literature on the efficacy and safety of herbal therapies and supplements used for diabetes. A total of 108 trials were examined. Included were 36 herbs and 9 vitamin/mineral substances. In total 4,565 patients were involved in these trials were either diabetic or glucose intolerant.

The results of this study concluded that evidence was not sufficient enough to draw definitive conclusions about the efficiency of herbs and supplements in treating diabetes. However, some of the data found warrants further study. The herbs used in the study were found to be safe, in general.  CocciniaIndica and American ginseng were found to have the most effect and chromium has been the most widely studied. The trials which were reviewed showed that Gymnemasylvestre, Aloe vera, vanadium, Momordicacharantia, and nopal all had positive results of effectiveness in treating diabetes.