Diabetes is, at its most basic, a metabolism disorder. Our body does not properly use the food we eat as it should. Diabetic diseases are conditions, or diseases, that develop as a result of this metabolism failure. Most food is broken down by the digestive system into glucose. Glucose is the form that sugar takes on in the bloodstream and in the healthy body; it is the main source of energy or fuel that keeps us going. Diabetes can be controlled or even eliminated. The more serious concern is the diabetic diseases that develop when diabetes is not treated properly, or not treated at all. And these diabetic diseases are often way more serious to our health than the diabetes itself. They can include some or several of the following:

  • Kidney disease
  • Urologic diseases
  • Endocrine and metabolic diseases
  • Hematologic diseases
  • Obesity
  • Eye diseases


What Are Some Symptoms of Diabetes in