For centuries, plants have been used to treat diabetes.  Many scientific studies are now finding these old ‘cures’ to be very effective. Diabetes herbal medicine provides a far less expensive, natural means by which to treat the disease. According to, the following herbs have been found to have been substantially documented as effective and they are relatively non-toxic. They are:

PterocarupusMarsupium (Indian Kino, Malabar Kino, Pitasara, Venga)

This tree has gum-resin that looks like tried blood. It has a long history as a diabetes herbal medicine in India. Studies have shown the barks extract, epicatechin, to prevenalloxan-induced beta cell damage in rats. The extract has also been shown to regenerate functional beta cells. It is the only diabetes herbal medicine to date that has shown this regenerative ability.

Momordicacharantia (Bitter Melon)

Also known as the balsam pear, this tropical vegetable is widely cultivated in Asia, Africa, and South America. …