Treatments for fragile x syndrome become necessary when a person shows symptoms of having the condition. About 100,000 Americans are affected by fragile x syndrome. Knowing how to identify the symptoms is the first step for treating it. Some of the signs of fragile x syndrome include poor eye contact, hand flapping and/or biting and self-stimulation. Speech and language problems may also be present. Besides different levels of mental retardation, there are some physical characteristics associated with the condition that may indicate treatments for fragile x syndrome are necessary. Abnormal body growth such as large ears, abnormally big testicles, a prominent jaw or forehead, delays in speech and double-jointednessare all signs of fragile x syndrome.

Fragile X syndrome is the most prevalent form of mental retardation that is inherited through genetics. It is the leading known genetic cause of mental disability. Every ethnic group is at risk of experiencing cases of fragile x syndrome. It occurs when a mutated gene is unable to produce a sufficient amount of an essential protein that the cells of the body need to develop and function properly. When this protein is absent, the brain is usually affected the most, causing fragile x syndrome.

According to information presented at Health Scout’s website, self-mutilation is sometimes associated with the condition as well. Sometimes dental problems also occur as a result of syndrome x. There are serious health complications associated with fragile x syndrome, including a possibility of seizures and the development of various health ailments. These threats are what make treatments for fragile x syndrome so important to those who are affected by the disability.


What Are The Treatments For Fragile X Syndrome?


As of today, there is no cure for fragile x syndrome. Treatments for triple x syndrome can vary. Special education is among the standard treatments for fragile x syndrome. Physical therapy and medication are other treatments for fragile x syndrome. Medication is thought to be most effective when used in conjunction with therapy. When it comes to medication, certain kinds may help some patients where others may not. A doctor may need to adjust a prescription or dosage to meet the needs of each person dealing with syndrome x. There are many promising trials currently being conducted on medications to treat fragile x syndrome, but scientists are still researching them. Therefore, therapy is what most people affected by the mysterious condition rely on, and it can include speech, occupational and sensory integration training. Behavior modification programs are also an option for the treatments for triple x syndrome.

If a person has heart defects as a result of fragile x syndrome, surgical correction may be necessary. When it comes to the long-term benefits that can be the result of treatments for fragile x syndrome, early intervention is key. The earlier a child gets adequate treatments for triple x syndrome, the better chance there is for developing to one’s maximum potential. According to the National Institutes of Health, even those with severe cases of fragile x syndrome can learn to master many skills.