The early symptoms of diabetes in women are very similar whether it is type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes you are speaking of. Excess thirst and frequent urination is always one of the first warning signs of diabetes. If you are drinking excess fluids and still feeling dehydrated, that is a one of the early symptoms of diabetes in women, men, and children. Along with this usually comes frequent urination because the body is trying to flush the excess blood sugar out through the urine.

Another of the early symptoms of diabetes in women is extreme weight loss. A person with diabetes will feel extreme hunger, often even after they have eaten a good meal and eat more. However, for some reason they continue to lose weight. This is because the sugar molecules are not able to make it into the cells to be processed into energy. Therefore, even though the sugar may be there the cells are still starving. So, the body begins calling out for more nutrients, causing excess hunger. Yet, even if a person eats more, the sugar is never received so the body derives energy from fat stores causing decreased weight and often loss of muscle bulk as well.




One of the early symptoms of diabetes in women is that they tend to get vaginal infections. This can prove true for young girls as well. This is because high blood sugar levels create the perfect environment for the overgrowth of bacteria and yeast. According to ABC News, these can be easily treated by antibiotic and fungal agents. However, treatment should be sought promptly because a diabetic often has trouble fighting off infection. Frequent vaginal infections are often one of the most noted early symptoms of diabetes in women, and often the way by which women learn that they have the disease.

If you experience frequent urinary tract infections, yeast infections, or bacterial infection, and are experiencing any of the early symptoms of diabetes in women listed above, you should see your doctor for an early diagnosis. The earlier treatment for diabetes can begin, the less complications you are likely to have down the road. Additionally, these may also be symptoms of pre-diabetes, particularly if you are under 40 years old. If you are diagnosed with pre-diabetes, you still may have a chance to better yourself and possibly avoid full-blown diabetes.