It is not enough to know what a diabetic symptom is; you should know the reason why it occurs. In order to heal correctly, you should understand exactly what your body is going through. Taking the time to learn why your body reacts the way it does will help start you on the road to managing you diabetes well.


Type 2 Diabetic Symptom


Type 2 diabetes occurs either because your body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin in your system. Insulin is a hormone that the body needs in order to process glucose and turn it into energy. When the cells cannot intake sugar, it builds up in the blood stream and leads to diabetic complications. Each of the following is a type 2 diabetic symptom listed with the reason why it occurs:

  1. Increased thirst and frequent urination occurs because excess sugar that builds up in the bloodstream, causing fluid to be pulled from the tissue. This leaves you dehydrated, and makes drink and urinate more.
  2. Increases in hunger happen because your muscles and organs become depleted of energy, which causes your body to crave the nutrients it is missing.
  3. Weight loss in spite of eating is a common diabetic symptom. When your body doesn’t get the glucose it needs to function it begins breaking down muscle and fat for fuel. Calories are also lost though frequent urination.
  4. Fatigue occurs because your body is deprived of energy, this may cause you to become tired and irritable.
  5. Frequent infections occur and are slow to heal because type to diabetes affects your immune symptom. This is yet another reason why a healthy diet and exercise is so important.
  6. Darkened skin may be noticed in places such as your armpits and other folds of the skin. This is a sign that your diabetes is caused by insulin resistance.


Type 1 Diabetic Symptom


Type-1 diabetic symptoms are similar to those of type-2. Type-1 diabetes is different than type-2 in that it is an autoimmune complication in which the cells of the pancreas are attacked by antibodies. This causes the pancreas to be unable to make insulin, making the person medically dependent on insulin. Normally type 1 diabetes occurs in children, adolescents, and young adults. This is why it is used to be referred to juvenile diabetes, but you can get it any time.

Symptoms you should really pay attention to in diabetes are signs of diabetic ketoacidosis. This is a serious complication of type-1 diabetes which can lead to seizure, coma, or death. Each diabetic symptom that follows should not be ignored and medical treatment should be sought if the manifest:

  • Confusion
  • Fruity scented breath
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • High Ketone Levels