Vertigo is defined by as a dizzying sensation of tilting within stable surroundings or of being in tilting and spinning surroundings. Diabetes and vertigo are in some instances connected. Read the following to see how:


Does Diabetes Cause Vertigo


Diabetes is a condition which can essentially affect any part of the body, and in many cases diabetes does cause dizziness. When blood sugar levels are to low (hyperglycemia), for example, diabetics could experience dizziness as well as confusion and shakiness. Most conditions related to diabetes and vertigo are brought about by the disease, but not directly caused by it. Blood pressure is a good example in that a lot of people with diabetes also have high blood pressure and high blood pressure my lead to vertigo. Another example is that diabetics tend to get infections easier than most other people, and therefore might experience vertigo if this infection occurs in the ear.


Can Diabetes Cause Vertigo


As stated above, the complications of diabetes are also often the causes of vertigo. So, although diabetes itself does not cause vertigo, you will often affiliate diabetes and vertigo. Here is how:

  • Vertigo is often the result of a problem with the nerves. High blood sugar levels, over time, can lead to damaged nerves in diabetes.
  • A sudden drop in blood pressure may cause vertigo. This is likely to happen in diabetes as since diabetics often have trouble with hypotension. Again, diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) can bring about hypotension which causes vertigo when a person stands up too quickly.
  • Diabetes is a disease which ultimately leads to cardiovascular problems. Vertigo can be cause by any of the various diseases of the heart muscle, abnormal heart rhythm, or inadequate blood flow to the heart.
  • Diabetics are one of the groups at the highest risk of seizures. One of the most common symptoms of a seizure is vertigo.
  • Blood pressure lowering medications and other medications that diabetics take can lead to dizziness or vertigo.
  • Diabetics are prone to anxiety disorders and panic attacks which are often linked to vertigo.


If you have diabetes and vertigo problems, it is best to go to your doctor with your concerns. He or she may be able to narrow down the reasons why you are experiencing vertigo as well as whether or not your diabetes and vertigo symptoms are connected. Dizziness can increase your risk of falling, injuring yourself, and having an accident while driving or operating machinery. So, don’t take any chances; get treated as soon as possible.