Diabetics tend to bruise easier than other people. There are a couple of reasons why diabetes and bruising are connected. The first is due to a disorder called acanthosis nigricans. This is where a black or brown discoloration develops in the folds of the skin. This is due to high levels of insulin, which seep into the skin. Another reason for diabetes and bruising is that diabetes affects the immune system, and therefore bruises don’t heal as quickly.


Diabetes Symptoms Bruising


So, is easy bruising a symptom of diabetes? Easy bruising is not necessarily a symptom of diabetes, but it could be a sign of the disease. When cuts, wounds, and bruises heal more slowly than they should it is a sign that something is wrong with your body. Slow healing is considered to be a symptom of diabetes by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). Therefore, if you have bruises that do not seem to be healing properly, you should visit your doctor to discover what is wrong. It may well be diabetes, especially if you are at a high risk of developing the disease.


Diabetes Easy Bruising


One of the problems with diabetes and bruising is that diabetes opens a person up to a large variety of different conditions because of the wear and tear it brings about on the body and the lower immune system that diabetics have. For example, over time diabetes can lead to liver problems, which can lead then lead to easy bruising.

Another reason for diabetes and bruising may be connected to the risk factors of both conditions. Obesity, for example, is one of the greatest risk factors of diabetes, but people who are obese often have cholesterol problems, which can cause easy bruising. Therefore, a person with cholesterol problems and diabetes may have problems with easy bruising. Also, people who are elderly tend to have problems with easy bruising. Diabetes is one of the major diseases which occur in elderly people. Finally, people with diabetes tend to take a number of medications with interfere with platelet production or the clotting process of the blood. So, these medications can lead to easy bruising in diabetes as well.

In any case, issues with diabetes and bruising should be discussed with your doctor. Easy bruising or bruising that doesn’t heal well could be an indication of other medical problems. In addition, medications may need to be changed if they are causing problems such as easy bruising. So, it is best to talk to your doctor no matter what the issue.