Normally, stomach pain is not a symptom of diabetes. Diabetes and stomach pain is probably a sign that there is something more going on. There are several reasons why diabetes stomach pain could occur. Diabetics are more susceptible to stomach ailments, one of the most serious being gastrointestinal illnesses. Some conditions involving diabetes and stomach pain are:

Peptic ulcer – A peptic ulcer is a sore in the lining of your stomach or the first part of your small intestine. A burning pain in your stomach is the a common symptom. This type of ulcer is usually brought about by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAISs) or by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. Diabetics are more likely to take medications such medications and have bacterial infections, and therefore likely to develop these types of ulcers.

Aortic aneurysm – an aortic aneurysm is caused by a hardening of the arteries, or arteriosclerosis, which is a common condition among diabetics. Arteriosclerosis weakens the aortic wall. According to, the pressure of the blood causes an expansion and weakness in the aorta. The sudden onset of back and abdominal pain is a symptom of this condition.

Gastroparesis – Gastroparesis is another cause of diabetes and stomach pain. In is a condition in which the stomach delays in emptying out. This condition is common among diabetes. Symptoms of gastroparesis include abdominal pain, nausea, and bloating.


Can Diabetes Cause Stomach Pain


Stomach pain diabetes symptoms can be a sign of a number of ailments. If you have stomach pain and diabetes you should make an appointment with your doctor to explore the possible causes. Stomach pain which is unrelenting or accompanied by a fever of more than 101 degrees should be seen about immediately, especially if you have persistently low or high blood sugar. According to, some stomach pains possibly caused by diabetes are:

Diabetes ketoacidosis – Diabetes ketoacidosis is the result of inadequate insulin levels, which allows ketone, or waste products to build in the blood or bodily tissues. Ketoacidosis is more typical in type 1 diabetics, but can happen in both types. One of the symptoms of ketoacidosis is nausea, vomiting, or severe stomach pain.

Hyperglycemia – When diabetes is not well controlled, over the years serious complications can manifest. Among these are chronic diarrhea and nerve system damage. Specifically, the vagus nerve, which is found in the digestive system, can result in severe abdominal pain.