Why should you know about the early signs of diabetes in men? Diabetes is a terrible disease to be diagnosed with. However, the earlier a diagnosis takes place, the less risk there is for further complications to develop. Many people go undiagnosed for years simply because they are not aware of the early signs of diabetes in men and therefore do not recognize them.

When you are learning about the early signs of diabetes in men, you should take a look at who is most at risk. People who are overweight or obese carry the highest risk of developing the disease, and so are people who live a sedentary lifestyle. People who have an immediate family member with the disease, such as a parent or sibling, also carry a high risk. Finally, many ethnic groups carry a higher risk of developing the disease. These include African Americans, Hispanics, Native Alaskans, Native Indians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders.

Early signs of diabetes in men are mainly the same as those in women or children. They are often frequently overlooked because they can be very vague or explained away easily. If you are overweight and over the age of 45, you should be tested for diabetes regardless of whether you carry any symptoms at all. You should also be tested if you show any of the following early signs of diabetes in men:

  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased hunger
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Frequent urination
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Wounds that don’t heal or heal slowly


Low Testosterone and Diabetes


Recently scientists have uncovered links between low testosterone levels and other medical conditions, such as diabetes. In fact, according to WebMd.com, research shows that the odds of having low testosterone levels were:

  • 2.4 times higher for obese men
  • 2.1 times higher in men with diabetes
  • 1.8 times higher for men with high blood pressure


The link between diabetes and low testosterone levels seems to be a double-edged sword. Men with diabetes are more likely to have low testosterone levels. On the other hand, men who have low testosterone are more likely to develop diabetes. Obesity seems to play a factor in this, since people who have low testosterone are more likely to become obese. Men with low testosterone are also more likely to develop other types of metabolic disorder, develop heart disease, become depressed, have an erectile dysfunction, and have high blood pressure.


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