Though diabetic seizures are of rare occurrence; however, when they do occur it can be life threatening. Therefore, it is important to be well-informed and well-prepared.  Seizures are caused by a burst of simultaneous but contradictory signals from brain cells. They can cause head trauma, fever, and illness.

Diabetic seizures can be caused by both high and low blood sugar levels. Seizures that are a result of blood sugar is are referred to as ‘insulin shock’. This is a condition in which there is too much insulin in the body. It can also result in coma or even death. A person who is having a diabetic seizure due to low blood sugar may appear drunk. It is not recommended to feed or give a drink to people in a diabetic shock, as they could choke. It is sometimes recommended to rub syrup or honey on their gums. The most important thing is to keep the person from injuring themselves somehow and call 911.


Diabetic Seizures in Children


Seeing a child go through a diabetic seizure is one of the most frightening events a person can experience. Since children typically have type-1 diabetes, it is most likely they will have a seizure caused by low blood sugar. This is usually a result of taking too much insulin or skipping meals throughout the day. A diabetic seizure may also occur as a result of ketones in the bloodstream. These are byproducts of muscle breakdown.

If a child is having a diabetic seizure, the most important thing to establish is that she has an open airway, she is breathing, and that she has a pulse. Gently lower her to the ground if she is standing or sitting. Position her in a way to prevent vomit from entering the lungs. Also push away any nearby objects and remove glasses if she has them on. Call 911 and use a monitor to determine if it is a result of high or low blood sugar. Stay by her side and offer reassurance until help arrives.

Prevention is the most important type of treatment for diabetes seizures. Just like adults, children should take time to learn about diabetes and its effects on the body. Learning how various foods and activities affect the body, as well as how to monitor blood sugars and take medication correctly, should begin as soon as possible. Talking and planning with your child about emergency situations beforehand may help both you and your child be more secure if a situation does arise.


Diabetic Seizures in Adults


Treating diabetic seizures in adults is similar to treating those in children. Many people don’t realize it, but diabetic seizures in dogs and cats may also occur. Treatment for them is similar as well.

Diabetic seizures can cause one part of the body to twitch and spasm, or the whole body may go into convulsions. Diabetic seizures may also only last a few minutes or last until medical treatment is given. Most injuries caused by diabetic seizures are from the person falling or hitting their body against nearby objects. Heavy bleeding may also occur from the person biting his tongue.

It is important to be able to recognize symptoms before the diabetic has a chance to fall, if possible. This way you can get them away from any objects that may hurt them and keep them from standing up. Feelings of confusion, feeling out of it, and mood swings often present themselves before a diabetic seizure occurs. It may also become difficult to control movement, become challenging to speak, and the person may also become unconscious.