A Diabetic examination is vital to maintain health and prevent new problems.A physician will conduct a physical exam, which will include standard practices such as checking heart rate, blood pressure, height, weight,and reflexes. In addition to a normal exam, the doctor will look at the patients Genitourinary and Musculo skeletal systems for signs of infection and decreased mobility. The doctor will ask the patient’s questions about his or her risk factors, symptoms, and history and will then perform tests to check blood and urine for protein, glucose, ketones, and microalbumin. Results of the exam will determine how well his or her Diabetes is being managed.


Diabetic Foot Examination


A Diabetic foot examination should be completed annually by a professional according to Dr. Anna Peters, the Director of the Clinical Diabetes Programs at the University of Southern California. Sheperforms routines foot examines for patients and is not concerned about low risk feet, but advises that an examination of Diabetic foot-a high-risk foot with lesions, cuts, or bleeding-should be conducted daily to prevent further complications.

When she examines a foot-as demonstrated in her Diabetic foot examination video-she begins by testing for reflexes, and taking the pulse in the feet to see how strong both are. She then looks for signs of swelling, pitting, and any other abnormalities before moving on to the toes and toenails. She suggests spreading the toes as most toes overlap and infection could easily hide there. Next, she uses a microfilament tool to check for sensation in the feet. She has the patient close his or her eyes and lightly touches various places on the feet. She instructs the patient to let her know when they feel the touch. She then uses a tuning fork to put varying degrees of vibrations on the foot. If a patient has an abnormal foot or fails a sense test, she classifies the patient as having a high-risk foot.


Diabetic Eye Examination


A Diabetic eye examination should be conducted every twelve months to determine the health of an individual. According to Dr. Sasha Pen of Eye Care Associates of San Francisco, the eye is a special organ that can show signs of disease in the body without using invasive methods such as drawing blood or tissue samples. Doctors are able to learn about conditions such as Diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as other symptoms, simply by dilating and examining a person’s eyes.

Ophthalmologists typically look at the front of the eye for dryness and swelling on the lens of the eye, which is very common in patients who have Diabetes. Swelling can lead to vacuoles, which are water holes on the lens of the eyes. In addition, vision can be affected by Neovascularization, which is when new blood vessels grow into the iris, or the colored part of the eye.

The doctor will examine the optic nerve for signs of hemorrhaging, bleeding, and edema (swelling).They also look at the back of the eye while directing the patient to look up, down, left, and right. When a person looks in different directions, the doctor is able to see the eye in its entirety. Any changes in the eye alert the doctor that the patient could be experiencing an issue with his or her Diabetes or a new ailment could be presenting. As most severe eye issues need to be found early to prevent blindness, small changes in the initial stages can be significant in preserving a person’s sight.