A Diabetic Condition can present itself in a multitude of ways. Most people who suffer from Diabetes Mellitus develop other conditions because of poorly controlled blood glucose levels. The Diabetic experiences elevated levels of sugar in the blood, causing severe damage to numerous parts of the body. The fact of insulin dependence or insulin resistance is unimportant. Both types of sufferers can be affected.

Individuals who are Pre-Diabetic can stop from developing full-blown Diabetes by reducing his or her risk factors for the disease. Taking measures to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides, in addition to controlling blood sugar and losing excess weight, is the prime ways to reduce and eliminate risk for this disease and related conditions. Likewise, a person who has been diagnosed with Diabetes can use these methods to prevent the disease from progressing.

When these modifications are not met, Diabetes can have a tremendous on a person’s body. They can endure problems with vision, bladder, kidneys, and heart as the most life threatening conditions. However, another Diabetic condition is not as critical, but can still be devastating to the individual who must endure it. This category includes any type of Diabetic skin condition.


Diabetic Skin Condition


A Diabetic skin condition can include be a secondary issue to Diabetes and includes various forms of conditions, including SclerodermaDiabeticorum, Vitiligo, and Acanthosis Nigricans. These conditions often present as changes in the thickness or coloration of skin due to the high levels of sugar in the blood and can occur on various portions of the body. Many times, the affected area is the back of the neck, face, hands, armpits, and genitals. Controlling one’s blood glucose level is the best way to prevent these ailments, while treatment includes moisturizers, topical steroids, ultraviolet light therapy, and tattooing to add pigment to the skin.

Other Diabetic conditions can flourish because the skin loses a steady source of blood called Atherosclerosis. Plaque builds on the walls of the arteries, which cause them to constrict, resulting in a reduced supply of blood and oxygen. Because of this action, a Diabetic can harbor bacterial and fungal infections as well as blisters and rashes. One skin condition, Diabetic Dermopathy, causes lesions to appear on the lower legs and is circular in nature. There is not treatment for this condition other than to treat the symptoms of itching through antihistamine or topical creams.


Pre-Diabetic Condition


A Pre-Diabetic condition is the state of health an individual is in when they have increased risk factors for developing Diabetes, but they do not meet the ranges for Diabetes yet. Without lifestyle changes, however, they are doomed to develop Diabetes in a matter of time. Symptoms of Pre-Diabetic Condition include blood sugars of 110 mg/dL or higher, blood pressure of 130/85 or higher, and triglycerides of 150 mg/dL or higher. As for LDL cholesterol, which is the good kind of cholesterol, numbers should be below 40 mg/dL in men and 50 mg/dL in women.