Many people think there is a diabetes metabolic disease, and in a sense they are right. But it is really a misnomer, or a somewhat misapplied name. Diabetes metabolic disease is probably referring to the fact that diabetes is a metabolic disorder, and metabolic disorders are somewhat confusing. Let’s start off with trying to define what a metabolic disorder is and why diabetes metabolic disease might be used to describe the disease of diabetes.


What is a Metabolic Disorder?


A metabolic disorder is a series of chemical reactions in your body that disrupt the normal metabolism process of a healthy person. Metabolism is the process of turning the food you eat into the energy your body needs to survive and be healthy. The body’s metabolism breaks the food you eat every day down into sugars and acids. The balance of sugars and acids in the blood is very important, and a metabolic disorder will upset this balance to the point where you have too much or too little of either sugar or acid, or both. Metabolic disorders usually are triggered when one of the organs involved in the process either fails completely or isn’t functioning properly. Sometimes this is caused by disease, and other times it is a function of heredity. Diabetes metabolic disease is really referring to when diabetes causes the body to have too much sugar, or glucose, in the bloodstream. There are many things that can cause either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, some of them hereditary and some of them environmental. You could be said to have diabetes metabolic disease when your body isn’t producing enough insulin to allow the blood sugar to absorb into the cells of the body. When it doesn’t absorb into the cells, it stays in the blood and causes blood glucose levels to be too high. So in this case, you have a metabolic disorder that is causing you to have too much sugar.

To find out if you have diabetes, metabolic disease testing can be done easily in the doctor’s office to see if any of the enzymes used in the metabolism process are either missing or at the wrong levels.


The Diabetic Metabolic Disease


Diabetes is probably the most common metabolic disorder, and the symptoms and types can be confusing to people unfamiliar with the condition. People can have either type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes. Each one of these is different than the other and needs to be understood completely if you or a family member has one of the types of diabetes. Metabolic disease is serious, and needs to be addressed, not ignored in hopes it will go away.

Many of the complications of diabetes or pre-diabetes can be dealt with by following good lifestyle recommendations and some of the alternative medicine and homeopathic remedies. Other cases of diabetes will need to be dealt with by injecting insulin, or by other pharmaceutical means. These are things that you will discuss with your medical support team, and make decisions for care based on sound advice and some of your own research.