What is Metabolic Syndrome X is a question numerous folks are pondering these days as they hear about diabetes, heart disease, and other related conditions. A group of chronic conditions that occur simultaneously making diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease more prevalent characterizes this disease. Metabolic syndrome can be confusing for individuals to understand. First, medical professionals have given it several similar names, such as Cardiometabolic Syndrome, Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance Syndrome, or Reaven’s Syndrome.

Second, the symptoms are also its risk factors and complications. For example, elevated blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels all indicate warning signals that an individual is suffering from what is Metabolic Syndrome Xas well as factors needed to qualify the patient for a diagnosis. Complications of the disease include the same symptoms as well as progressive conditions like coronary artery disease, stroke, heart attack, and hyperglycemia.

Thirdly, people with this condition would most likely be unaware of their symptoms unless they were specifically monitoring them. Most people do not have the ability to check their blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels at home. Some people may have access to a blood pressure cuff, which allows them to check their blood pressure, but unless they are already cognizant of a problem, they are unlikely to test it on a frequent basis.

In addition, only people with already diagnosed diabetes or blood glucose disorders own monitoring devices, so examining these levels is difficult as well. To get reliable results, people wondering what is metabolic x syndrome need to visit their doctor to have these tests performed. To screen for symptoms and risk factors, they should have annual checkups or biannual exams if they have family histories of certain illnesses or other reasons to do so.


What is Metabolic Syndrome X– Prevention& Treatment


Asking what is metabolic syndrome is the first step in prevention. It shows an awareness of the condition and a desire to eliminate the disease before it starts. Prevention and treatment is essentially the same thing for this ailment, so taking care of oneself is the best method of care. People should primarily eat a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat proteins.

Eating a variety of foods will ensure that essential vitamins and minerals are received and the standard of eating vibrantly colored foods is a good rule of thumb. If the food comes packaged in a bag or a box and has an extended shelf life, it is most likely junk food and should be consumed in small quantities. Other food and drink that should be reduced or eliminated are alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, which are loaded with sugar and empty calories.

Next people should refrain from smoking as it can constrict blood vessels and leads to numerous conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer in addition to Metabolic Syndrome X. Daily exercise is step three in preventing and managing this disease. It helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, and can help an individual she unwanted weight, as well as exercise the heart, lungs, and muscles.


What is Metabolic Syndrome X – Diagnosis


What is the metabolic syndrome qualifications for diagnosis is another question people want answered. The diagnosis differs a bit based on the organization, but the main standards are clear. A person must have three of the following conditions; be obese or have excess abdominal fat, a blood pressure of 130/85, triglycerides above 150 mg/dL, HDL cholesterol under 40 mg/dL for women and under 50 mg/ dL for men, and a fasting plasma glucose test of 100 mg/dL or higher or have a previous diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.