Sometimes the diabetic symptoms in women are more subtle than they are in men. Many women live with diabetes for years without knowing they even have it. This is when the real damage occurs – that is when the diabetes is untreated for prolonged periods. It is the early detection of diabetes that gives the best chance of avoiding the complications of being diabetic. For many, it goes untreated because they really don’t understand the diabetic symptoms in women and don’t get tested.

It is estimated that about 10% of women over the age of 20 in the United States are living with diabetes. Those are the diagnosed cases. The number of undiagnosed cases is unknown, but all women should be tested as part of their regular annual check-up. And for African Americans, Native Americans, and Latinos it is even more important that they know the diabetic symptoms in women since they are at a significantly higher risk.


What are the Diabetic Symptoms in Women?


  1. Probably the most common of the diabetic symptoms in women is increased thirst accompanied with increased frequency of urination. When the blood sugar level rises, fluid is drawn out of the body tissue. Naturally this will increase the thirst and the woman will drink more water. Increased water consumption results in increased frequency of urination. The problem is that this doesn’t happen overnight, but comes on slowly over time and isn’t noticed. Stop to think about your own habits and thirst levels. If they have changed, it’s time for a checkup and diabetes test.
  2. Weight loss even though the woman is eating more is another of the diabetic symptoms in women commonly seen. When lack of insulin doesn’t move the blood sugar into the body’s cells, energy is reduced. The inability to metabolize blood glucose forces the body to use energy found in body fats, among other sources. More glucose is let out of the body in the urine. While weight loss is often a welcome thing for women, if you think you are eating more but losing weight, chances are you aren’t just “eating right”. Diabetes may be the source of the problem.
  3. Sexual problems of all sorts can be diabetic symptoms in women. Low libido before menopause is one of these symptoms. So is painful intercourse because of vaginal dryness before menopause. Other sexual problems that could be symptoms are increased frequency of vaginal yeast infections despite a good hygiene routine.

Common Diabetic Symptoms in Women and Men


Other diabetic symptoms that are seen in both sexes include the following:

  1. Unexplained fatigue and irritability
  2. Blurred vision
  3. Dry eyes
  4. Wounds that take longer than normal to heal
  5. Increased infections or sores.
  6. Dark patches on the skin, especially in the fattier areas of the body that crease or fold.


Once you see any of these diabetic symptoms in women, it is important to talk to your doctor about them as soon as you can. Give as many details as you can and ask for a blood sugar level test. Don’t put it off because you’re afraid you might need to be on insulin. Not all diabetes needs to be treated with insulin. Many times, especially when caught early, natural methods can be used to control your diabetes, but you need to act right away.