What’s the cause of diabetes is a question many researchers would like a definitive answer to. Depending on which type of diabetes referred to, there are many answers and even more questions. Researchers think there may be a genetic predisposition to type 1 diabetes, but can’t be sure. Type 2 diabetes is more common but really less understood when looking for causes. Gestational diabetes is probably a little more understood, but it only happens during pregnancy, so that’s understandable. Let’s take a brief look at what’s the cause of diabetes in the over 23 million Americans that probably have the disease by taking a brief look at each type of diabetes.


What’s the Cause of Diabetes during Pregnancy?


Known as gestational diabetes, it usually occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is thought that gestational diabetes is caused by hormones that the placenta releases in women susceptible to the disease. It sometimes comes on with little or no symptoms, so all pregnant women should be tested for it as it can cause complications during the pregnancy and delivery. The baby can also suffer complications after birth. It is usually routine as part of a pregnancy medical checkup to be tested for this.


What’s the Cause of Diabetes Type 1?


The cause for type 1 diabetes isn’t known for sure but it’s thought that individuals can be genetically predisposed to it and also that environmental factors like viruses could be to blame. Hormone problems like Addison’s disease or hypothyroidism could also be to blame.

The symptoms for type 1 diabetes are usually more severe and noticeable than for other types of diabetes. It’s sometimes referred to as juvenile onset diabetes because it usually presents itself before the age of 20. Insulin injections are usually required to control it.


What’s the Cause of Diabetes Type 2?


Diabetes type 2 is much more common than type 1 and can occur at any age, but usually affects adults. The symptoms are usually more subtle and the possible causes are a little more varied. It’s usually a combination of factors that cause type 2 diabetes, both environmental and genetic. People with other family members that have type 2 diabetes are more likely to get it than people with no family history of the disease.

But it is thought that what’s the cause of diabetes type 2 in most individuals is factors within their control. Obesity is usually at the top of the list of potential risk factors, followed by lack of activity or exercise, and dietary choices. Sometimes, endocrine disorders like hyperthyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome are to blame. But no matter what’s the cause of diabetes type 2, controlling your diet, exercising regularly, and keeping your weight healthy will lower your risk of getting it, or reduce the potential damage to your body that it can cause.