A Diabetic examination is vital to maintain health and prevent new problems.A physician will conduct a physical exam, which will include standard practices such as checking heart rate, blood pressure, height, weight,and reflexes. In addition to a normal exam, the doctor will look at the patients Genitourinary and Musculo skeletal systems for signs of infection and decreased mobility. The doctor will ask the patient’s questions about his or her risk factors, symptoms, and history and will then perform tests to check blood and urine for protein, glucose, ketones, and microalbumin. Results of the exam will determine how well his or her Diabetes is being managed.


Diabetic Foot Examination


A Diabetic foot examination should be completed annually by a professional according to Dr. Anna Peters, the Director of the Clinical Diabetes Programs at the University of Southern California. Sheperforms routines foot examines for patients and is not concerned about …