Weight loss is usually thought of as a good thing. But this isn’t always the case. It is sometimes a symptom of a serious medical condition. Diabetes is one of those. What causes weight loss in diabetes type 1, in general is poor management of the disease. Type 1 diabetes, also referred to as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, results in not enough insulin in the bloodstream and too much glucose, or blood sugar, in the blood.

These conditions cause the release of triglycerides from the fatty tissues in the body, and a breakdown of the amino acids in muscle tissue. This will mean a loss of both fat and lean mass in the body, and is what causes weight loss in diabetes type 1.

Frequent urination, one of the main symptoms of diabetes, can also be what causes weight loss in diabetes. Frequent urination means a loss of body fluids, which will result in weight loss if not replaced, but can also lead to dehydration, a serious medical condition. Diabetics should be sure to drink plenty of water. Because of the frequent urination, what causes weight loss in diabetes also usually leads to excessive thirst. Be sure to quench that thirst with water or possibly a sports drink.


What Causes Weight Loss in Diabetes Type 2?


Although weight loss is generally a good thing for people with type 2 diabetes, the uncontrolled blood sugar is again what causes weight loss in diabetes type 2. Although obesity is thought to be the biggest risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes, unexplained weight loss is one of the classic symptoms of type 2 diabetes that is not being properly controlled.

Medication prescribed for managing the disease can be what causes weight loss in diabetes as well. Weight loss is a side effect of many medications, so you should carefully read the information that comes with any prescriptions or over-the-counter medicines to see if weight loss is listed as a side effect.

If you are a type 2 diabetic and have your blood sugar under control, losing weight will benefit you if you are overweight. And if you are pre-diabetic and even slightly overweight, losing a little can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. Even a 5% to 7% weight loss can make a significant difference. In a 225 pound man, this would be equivalent to losing 11 to 16 pounds.

Just the stress of being diabetic, especially in the newly diagnosed diabetic, can be what causes weight loss in diabetes. A good way to manage stress is with regular exercise. This will lower your stress level and be beneficial to your diabetes condition at the same time.