Diabetes Naturopathy is a way to treat diabetes effectively using the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Diabetes naturopathy focuses first on prevention as the best defense. Naturopathic doctors are sometimes referred to as “doctors who listen” because they ask a lot of questions. The answers to the questions will help them determine your risks and develop strategies to help your own body fight disease. The human body is capable of amazing things if kept healthy. Naturopathic medicine helps the body heal itself by focusing on three lifestyle factors that affect you most. These are your diet, weight control, and relieving stress. Naturopathy for diabetes is basically the same as naturopathy treatment for anything else. But diabetes naturopathy must also concern itself with controlling blood sugar levels.


Naturopathy and Diabetes


Diabetes naturopathy has to concern itself with diet management first and foremost. For the diabetic, food selection and preparation is crucial to your long-term health. The diabetic doesn’t assimilate food like the normal body. When the sugar from food after digestion doesn’t enter the cells, it stays in the blood. Food and diet is very important in naturopathy. Diabetes doesn’t allow the sugar to enter the cells, so the blood sugar levels get too high when unmanaged and serious damage is done to organs of the body, particularly the kidneys and eyes.

A doctor trained in diabetes naturopathy will help you adjust your diet to either prevent or treat diabetes without the use of drugs.


Diabetes and Naturopathy to Control Blood Sugar


The main goal of diabetes naturopathy is to control or reduce high glucose levels in the blood. The naturopathic practitioner will want to know about components of your current diet and help you adjust it. If needed, vitamin supplements will be added to your daily regimen. Vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and Coenzyme Q10 will be used in different combinations to treat diabetes. Diabetes naturopathy will also guide you in avoiding foods that cause blood sugar levels to spike. Portion control, and sometimes herbs are also used to control the disease.


Weight Control Important in Diabetes and Naturopathy


Diet management and weight control are closely related. The same foods that control your blood sugar also will help you control your weight. Diabetes naturopathy concerns itself not only with diet management to control weight but also proper exercise. Exercise not only lowers blood sugar levels but stimulates the body’s metabolism, which promotes the muscle tissues to oxygenate properly.

Don’t underestimate the body’s healing power. Diabetes naturopathy is much more preferable to using drugs to control your diabetes. Find a good naturopathic practitioner in your area to be your partner in fighting diabetes.


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