Diabetic bowel is a condition that diabetes patients suffer in which they experience severe pain in their abdomen and gastrointestinal tract. They may suffer short-term incidences like food poisoning, diarrhea, and constipation or long-term issues like irritable bowel, gallstones, or peptic ulcers. Diabetes can affect each part of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the oral cavity, esophagus and the anorectal area.

As diabetes affects the entire body, including the vast organs, it may present side effects that seem to be unrelated. Depending upon an individuals’ case history, their complications may be heightened. If they have suffered from diabetes for an extended period and have had numerous episodes of elevated blood sugar levels, they may have increased risks for developing intestinal issues, like diabetic bowel, as well as other well-known problems.

Researchers believe the same nerves that cause pain in the extremities and loss of visionmaycause diabetic bowel. Because many practitioners’ doubt the connection between diabetes and bowel issues, they may treat the symptoms separately, rather than as one systemic diseasewith subsequent side effects.


Diabetic Bowel – Symptoms


Patients who have diabetic bowel may complain of numerous ailments, depending on the exact cause of their condition. Individuals who have ulcers may notice they have heartburn, indigestion, or burning sensations in their stomach. Nerve damage in the small intestine may lead to diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain, whereas defects in the colon can produce constipation.

Patients may suffer from recurrent yeast infections, but instead of being considered a “woman’s issue, yeast, or candida, may show up in the gastrointestinal tract, or in a person’s mouth, which is referred to as thrush. Thrush can present as small white spots in the mouth or as a white coating on the tongue and throat. Either way, the condition can cause burning and irritation, and if it spreads to the esophagus, a person is likely to experience heartburn, intestinal bleeding, and trouble swallowing. Other patients may notice general feelings of unwell with diabetes and bowel issues, such as nausea, vomiting, and acid reflux, which may or may not be pinpointed to a specific region of the gastrointestinal tract.


Diabetic Bowel – Prevention &Treatment


As the duration and frequency of diabetes is the main factor in failing gastrointestinal tract issue, it is crucial to keep one’s blood sugar levels in check. Elevated levels will lead to never damage, which will wreak havoc on a person’s entire body. It is best to maintain stable glucose levels through diet, exercise, and elimination of alcohol and tobacco. Weight loss can also have terrific advantages in controlling diabetic bowel.

For episodes of diabetic bowel that may ensue, patients can control the pain with over the counter medications, such as aspirin or acetaminophen. Likewise, for issues with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation, there are also oral medications such as Dramamine, Pepto-Bismol, Imodium, and Dulcolax just to name a few. Patients who want to treat their overall symptoms may use fiber supplements as well as eating foods high in fiber. As natural therapies will reduce side effects of between diabetes and bowel issues, it is best to use food as medicine and avoid medications that can cause potential problems in the liver or kidneys.


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