Infection and diabetes can go hand in hand if the diabetes is not treated and controlled effectively. Diabetes mellitus can cause serious infections and even death if the infection is not dealt with quickly and properly.

Infection and diabetes is common because uncontrolled diabetes leads to high amounts of sugar in the blood and body tissues. The excess sugar does a wonderful job of feeding bacteria and allowing it to grow in the tissues and cells of the body. This leads to infection.

There are many places that people with diabetes can end up getting an infection. Some of the most common are diabetes bladder infection, diabetes fungal infection, diabetes wound infection, and diabetes skin infection.


Diabetes Urinary Tract Infection Signs and Symptoms


There are many signs and symptoms of infection and diabetes. These symptoms will probably be the same for most any diabetes related infection. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of infection related to diabetes:

  • Bloody, smelly, cloudy urine
  • Burning sensation with urination
  • Low back or low abdomen cramping
  • Frequent urination, constant urge, or difficulty urinating
  • Generally feeling ill – chills, sweating, aches, pains, headaches, fatigue
  • Vaginal itching or discomfort
  • White patches on tongue or in mouth
  • Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
  • Sinus pressure, drainage, headaches, facial pain in nose, forehead, or cheeks
  • Sore, painful or scratchy throat
  • Fever above 101 F
  • Persistent cough lasting more than 48 hours
  • Skin rash or pain, redness, swelling or tenderness on skin
  • Cut or wound that will not heal
  • A cut or sore that is red, warm, draining or excessively painful


Diabetes and Yeast Infection


Yeast feeds off of sugar and commonly grows in warm and moist places. Thus, women with poorly controlled diabetes are at higher risk of yeast infections. The most common place for yeast infections is the vagina. However, they can also occur under the breasts, in the mouth, under abdominal folds, in the arm pits, and in and around the anis. These infections cause severe itching and discomfort.

Most of the time yeast creams will help combat yeast infections. However, if your diabetes is not well controlled it will be much more difficult to treat the yeast infection. If you have diabetes and suspect a yeast infection consult your physician to discuss treatment. An oral antifungal medication might be recommended.

Men, it is possible for you to get diabetes related yeast infections, as well. However, it is not as common.

If you have diabetes and suspect that you might have some type of infection, consult your physician immediately. People with infection and diabetes are at much higher risk of severe complications (such as amputation) and even death. It is much better to be cautious and catch the condition early than to wait until there is irreversible damage.


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