If you are looking for a diabetes 2 cure, it may be closer than you think. There have been a lot of stunning developments in research as people have searched for a cure for diabetes 2. One such breakthrough recently occurred in Ireland. Irish scientists from the University College Dublin and Trinity College believe they may have found the underlying cause.

This article can be found on irishcentral.com. Within the article, Prof O’Neill is quoted stating “We have come across a key protein called IAPP. This irritates the immune system in the body.” He continues saying “It is a breakthrough because nobody has come across this before.” It is believed that pills may soon be developed to stop the formation of IAPP and may also become a diabetes 2 cure.


Natural Cure for Diabetes 2


Many people are looking to natural and alternative treatments to cure diabetes 2. Diabetes-daily-care.com states that there is 3 components to any natural diabetes 2 cure, they are:

Diet – Any diabetic diet should be low in simple carbohydrates with modern amount of protein; it should also be high in fiber. This type of diet will support overall health and energy by reducing blood sugar, weight, and blood pressure. Therefore, it also reduces your dependence on medication.

Exercise – Regular physical activity also reduces weight and blood sugar, while improving insulin sensitivity, the immune system, and circulation. It can also lower LDL (bad cholesterol) while raising HDL (good cholesterol) as well as improve blood pressure and lowering the risk of heart disease.

Nutritional Supplements – In addition to improving insulin levels, blood sugar levels, and many of the other benefits listed above, supplements can also protect your tissues from the damage of diabetes, support your immune system, and protect your heart.

The effectiveness of supplements in treating diabetes is not a myth. There have been thousands of published studies that prove the beneficial effects that natural supplements have on diabetics. Some supplements can interfere with medications, however, so do not attempt any natural treatments without speaking to your doctor.

Cinnamon is a natural diabetes 2 cure that you hear about time and again. This spice is known as one of the greatest agents for combating and preventing diabetes. Studies that were conducted at Iowa State University, the University of California, and by the department of Agriculture, show that cinnamon plays the role of an insulin substitute in type 2 diabetes (Diabetes-daily-care.com, 2011).

The site provides another interesting fact about cinnamon: Don Graves, a former professor of Anderson, conducted research of the effects cinnamon on cellular and molecular levels. He found that cinnamon does indeed stimulate insulin receptors; it also inhibits the enzyme that inactivates them, which increases the cell’s ability to use glucose. In addition, cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant which minimizes oxidative stress.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a natural antioxidant that is very powerful. Basically, ALA works with our bodies’ enzymes to prevent glucose from being oxidized. This in turn corrects metabolic pathways known to be altered in type 2 diabetes. These include insulin stimulated glucose uptake, glucose oxidation, and glycogen synthesis.


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