What are the causes of diabetes? Many believe that sugar causes diabetes. Actually, there are numerous factors which may be considered causes of diabetes. What-causes-diabetes.org lists the major factors as:

Heredity is one of the major causes of diabetes mellitus. Though environmental factors do play a part, the likelihood of a person developing diabetes is much higher if that person is genetically predisposed.

Age is another factor which contributes to the disease. Primarily people which are in the middle age group or older are ore likely to get the disease. Sadly, lifestyle choices which were made often bring about this course.

Malnutrition is not normally what people think of as a cause for diabetes, but it sometimes is. Improper intake of protein and fiber, mixed with a high intake of refined products are some diabetes causes.

Obesity causes diabetes. It is a known fact that a person who keeps their weight in tact has far less of a chance of having diabetes than someone who is overweight or has excess fat.

Stress is becoming one of the major causes for diabetes. Studies have shown that an emotional disturbance or even a physical injury have triggered the disease in some cases.

Hypertension may be one of the causes and symptoms of the disease. People who suffer from hypertension have a much higher probability of the disease. Keep a check on your blood pressure and sugar levels to prevent this from occurring.


Diabetes 2 Causes


More specifically, what causes diabetes 2? The causes of diabetes 2 include some of the factors listed above. However, the specific reason that diabetes 2 occurs could be any one of the following:

  • The pancreas does not produce any insulin
  • The pancreas produces very little insulin.
  • The body does not respond appropriately to insulin (insulin resistance)


People with type 2 diabetes normally produce some insulin, unlike those with type 1 diabetes. Yet, the amount that is produced is either not enough or the body is not able to recognize it and use it properly. This is call insulin resistance, and is one of the major causes of diabetes. In either case, glucose can’t get into the body’s cells, which causes it to build up in the blood, and the cells are not able to function properly.


Diabetes 1 Causes


What are the causes of diabetes 1? In type 1 diabetes the cells in the pancreas that make the insulin are destroyed. Many believe that the underlying cause of diabetes is an autoimmune reaction, which is a reaction where the body attacks and destroys its own cells. Some of the potential causes of diabetes 1, or at least the triggers of the disease, have been thought to be:

  • An infection with a specific virus or bacteria
  • Exposure to food-born chemical toxins
  • Exposure to cow’s milk as a very young infant


Leading Causes of Diabetes


What are the causes for diabetes? Heredity plays a major role. People that have a history of diabetes are 25% more prone to the disease. Diet is also a major factor and may be one of the causes of diabetes. This is because eating too many carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are harmful to the body. Our body needs a good balance of foods in order to produce energy and perform its vital functions.

Obesity is another prevalent factor. When there is an extra amount of fat in the body, insulin does not function properly and causes insulin resistance. It is well known that the best way to improve blood sugar levels is by lose weight.

Other factors that either cause or trigger diabetes are virus infections, age, emotional stress, and smoking. People of certain races also have more of a risk factor for the development of diabetes. These include Hispanics, Native Americans, African Americans, Asian American, and people of Pacific Island decent.


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