Medically, insulin resistance treatment is basically managed in two ways. Either the insulin levels are reduced or the sensitivity of the cells to insulin is increased. Usually can be achieved through diet and exercise, but if this is not enough to keep the condition under control drugs may be added to the insulin resistance treatment.

Metaformin is a medication that is typically used in diabetes treatment. It may also be used to treat insulin resistance. It helps to control glucose levels, prevents the liver from releasing the glucose into the blood, and increases the sensitivity of muscles and fat cells to insulin. Therefore, it helps to reduce insulin levels in the blood as well.

Acarbose may also soon be prescribed in treatment for insulin resistance. Recent studies have shown that acarbose works in the intestines to slow the absorption of sugars. The study showed that the drug reduced the development of diabetes by 25% and reduced the need to take insulin after meals.


Insulin Resistance Natural Treatment


The treatment of insulin resistance may soon take a natural turn as well. More and more studies are showing that diet, exercise, stress relievers, herbs, and supplements are having strong positive affects on insulin resistance treatment. Some natural remedies can interfere with your medical treatment, so be sure to discuss any complementary or alternative treatments with your doctor beforehand. provides the following remedies as natural treatments:

Many studies have shown cinnamon as effective in type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and in cases of insulin resistance. states that in one study daily supplements of cinnamon were given to 60 individuals with type 2 diabetes and it caused their glucose levels to drop. It has been recommended that you either sprinkle it over foods or take at least 1g in a capsule form. However, eating too much of it has been shown to cause further damage in people with liver damage.

Vinegar was studied in 2007 at the University of Arizona. Subjects took 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar before bed and had an improvement in their fasting blood sugar levels. suggests sprinkling it on your salads or using it as a marinade.

Vitamin A and E have been known to improve insulin sensitivity. These have also been known to be stored by your liver, so daily doses should be small. Beta-carotene supplements or foods that contain the ingredient may also work in replacement of vitamin A.


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