The only way you can cure metabolic syndrome is by life style changes and natural remedies. Certain medications may help as well. It is believed that insulin resistance plays a major part in metabolic syndrome. Studies show that the reversal of insulin resistance is possible, but major lifestyle changes must first take place.

The way we live our life is vital to both our insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. If you are prone to either, it is time to turn things around now, so that you can avoid complications such as diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. If you wish to cure metabolic syndrome follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Lose weight – just losing a little weight can reduce you insulin levels as well as you risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  2. Exercise – It is usually recommended to get 30 – 60 minutes of moderately intense exercise a day. It doesn’t have to be hard. Taking a brisk walk or a bike ride with your kids is usually enough.
  3. Stop smoking – Cigarettes increase insulin resistance. There are lots of resources to help you quit, you can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for example.
  4. Eat fiber-rich foods – Items packed with dietary fibers lower your insulin levels. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans are best for you.


You should also choose white meat or fish over red meats. Do not eat processed or deep-fried foods. Also, try experimenting with herbs and spice for flavor rather than eating excess table salt. If you will just commit yourself to stay active throughout the day, you can easily burn off a lot of excess body weight. Also, be sure to see your doctor regularly. Have your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels checked often.


How to Cure Metabolic Syndrome


Some say that natural herbs and remedies work best as a cure for metabolic syndrome. Remember, that no matter what you do, you no metabolic syndrome cure will work without the presence of a healthy diet and exercise in your life. You should also talk to your doctor about any remedies or alternative treatments that you think you might try.

According to, the following natural remedies may succeed in helping you keep your metabolic syndrome in check. They are:

Antioxidants – research has found that consuming antioxidants from fruits and vegetables (corotenoids) help improve the risk factors that derive from metabolic syndrome. Cortenoids are abundant in spinach, sweet potato, red peppers, tomatoes, carrots, and collards. Lowering body fat levels is essential to cure metabolic syndrome.

Grape Seed Extract – A study that was published in 2009 suggests that grape seed extract can help decrease blood pressure, but there were no significant changes in cholesterol levels.

Kudzu – This herb was used in tests to treat rats with metabolic syndrome. What scientist found was that after two months the rats that were fed kudzu had healthier levels of blood pressure, insulin, and cholesterol. They also gained less weight.


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