Tag: syndrome x diet plan

Syndrome X Diet

What is a Syndrome X diet? Syndrome X is a condition in which a person has a certain combination of risk factors which puts them a substantially increased risk of diabetes. One of the major symptoms and risk factors for developing Syndrome X is excess weight around the midsection of the body. Specifically, if you are a woman with a waist measurement of more than 35” or a man with a waist measurement of more than 40”, you are at risk of developing Syndrome X. Whether you have been diagnosed with Syndrome X, or feel that you are at risk of developing the condition, you should talk to your doctor about creating a Syndrome X diet plan.


Syndrome X Diet Plan


“Eating a healthy diet is not just about watching your waistline or keeping your heart healthy” states Dr. Floyd Taub, M.D. in his article Syndrome X,

Syndrome X Diet Plan: Understanding the Condition

Syndrome X, also known as metabolic syndrome x or metabolic syndrome, occurs when several underlying factors are present in an individual. If you have been diagnosed with this condition, the first line of defense is following a syndrome x diet plan.

Syndrome X is diagnosed based on a BMI (body mass index) greater than 30, in conjunction with at least 2 of the following conditions, according to the International Diabetes Association.

  • Triglyceride levels higher than 150
  • HDL levels lower than 40 in men or 50 in women
  • High blood pressure more than 130/85
  • Fasting plasma sugar levels greater than 100
  • Type 2 Diabetes


If you have been diagnosed with syndrome x, a metabolic syndrome x diet in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle can help you control and even cure the condition.


Metabolic X Syndrome Diet: Eating Well


If you are looking for a diet for metabolic …

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