Diabetic joint pain is yet another ailment that diabetics must endure.Joint problems may arise due to being overweight, arterial disease, and nerve damage, referred to as diabetic neuropathy. These conditions cause secondary problems such as Charcot joint and DISH. Charcot joint is what happens when there is nerve damage to the feet resulting in numbness and tingling. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, or DISH is caused when ligaments and tendons harden and cause tenderness and stiffness in the neck, back, and spine.

Other conditions of diabetic joint painthat are wellknown and negatively affect diabetics are osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and frozen shoulder.Osteoarthritis causes inflammation to all joints throughout the body whether from repetitive motion or from a body being at rest too long. Osteoporosis cause bone loss and over time, individuals may endure numerous bone fractures and hunched position. Frozen shoulder is characterized by pain in usually one shoulder only. The individual will …