Diabetes and sleeping problems go hand in hand. Truly a good night’s rest could be crucial to a diabetic. Diabetes sleeping is often hindered by anxiety, depression, as well as fluctuations in blood sugar levels during sleep. This is unfortunate because diabetics really need a good amount of sleep to stay healthy. One study noted on WebMd.com serves as a good example. The study, which was performed at the University of Chicago, found that after only one week of short bedtimes, glucose impairment begins. Who’s to know how much worse it could get if the lack of rest lasted more than a week.

There are many other ways that diabetes and sleeping problems may be contribute to each other. For example, it is known that chronic sleep deprivation elevates cortisol, a stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels may actually contribute to insulin resistance and lead to diabetes.

In diabetes, sleep apnea …