Diabetic Resource® is a family of products manufactured by NestléHealthScience. The products are created specifically for diabetic nutritional requirements and provide an assortment of different types of food and supplements. Many of the products are designed to allow diabetics certain food choices that they may be missing by eliminating sugars from their diet such as the pudding and gelatin. Other products such Resource® Milk Shake Mix and Resource® Ice Cream Plus have additional nutrients added like whey protein specifically designed for type 1 diabetics. Additionally, diabetic Resource® products are labeled and marketed to include diabetes terminology and food values that other non-diabetic foods do not have. For example, some products are reduced calorie or provide different supplements. Alternative sweeteners are used and always labeled as well as the food value (ex: one carbohydrate choice) and the percentage of fat, protein, and carbohydrate calories. Many products can also accommodate special …