Pregnancy with Diabetes can be problematic for the mother and for her unborn baby. Gestational Diabetes is Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus that is developed around twenty-four weeks of pregnancy, with no prior history of the disease. This type of insulin resistance affects approximately 3-8% of all pregnant women in the United States. Type 2 Diabetes is a metabolic condition in which the pancreas cannot produce an adequate amount of insulin or the body cannot absorb it.

During pregnancy, the placenta produces additional hormones that can interfere with the function of insulin. Insulin is responsible for removing glucose or sugar from the bloodstream and transferring it into the muscles, fat, and tissue for use as fuel. When insulin cannot perform, there is no conversion of energy, which results in elevated blood sugar. When a woman is pregnant,her body reacts differently to the extra hormones in her body. Her placenta holds the …