Tag: muscle spasms diabetes

Diabetes and Muscle Spasms

There are many reasons why diabetes and muscle spasms occur together, though it is rare that muscle spasms are due to diabetes. One must understand that any condition that can happen to anyone else can also happen to a diabetic. However, for diabetics these conditions occur at a younger age and much more severely than they would for someone without the disease. In addition, diabetes may lead to kidney disease, hormone issues, or thyroid conditions which may lead to muscle spasms.

One major cause of muscle spasm diabetes symptoms is dehydration. The large amounts of blood sugar levels caused by diabetes often cause diabetics to urinate more often. This leads to dehydration. When the body becomes dehydrate and electrolytes are depleted, muscle spasms may occur. Also, according to MedicineNet.com, muscle spasms may occur because the muscles are lacking water and glucose or the lack of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. …

Diabetes Muscle Spasms: Why do they Happen?

A spasm is a jerky, involuntary movement of a muscle, often in a pattern not associated with that particular muscle. In the person suffering from diabetes, spasms can be far more severe due to the already diminished elasticity of the muscle. For example, a foot could appear to turn “backwards” or fingers could be forced into extended straight positions, bending “upwards.” Muscle spasms are usually associated with strained and overused muscles. World class athletes and dancers, for example, walk a fine line between training for high performance, and pushing their muscles beyond their limit. But when a diabetes muscle spasm strikes, it is rarely due to overuse of the muscle.

Dehydration is a frequent cause of muscle spasms; diabetes’ presence makes this all the more likely. While too much water intake can have a horrible result, especially if your bladder has been compromised by your diabetes, it is a good …

Causes of Diabetic Feet Pain

Diabetes affects your nerve endings throughout your body. Diabetic feet pain occurs in tandem with diabetic neuropathy: because of the feet’s great distance from the higher nerve center in the brain, compromised nerves cannot send messages back and forth signaling pain, excessive force, or weakness. The biggest call that your feet may no longer be able to make is a call for help: diabetic foot pain simply cannot signal the brain when something is wrong.

Walking can become a very risky task. Uneven surfaces, nails, glass, tree roots, bed frames, just about anything on the floor can trigger a cascade of misfortune for the diabetic patient who is oblivious to their surroundings. Not only are the nerves in the foot compromised, but the overall blood circulation is also compromised for people with diabetes. Looking down all the time can cause dizziness or problems with vision, not to mention that it …

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