In order to understand the relationship between metabolic syndrome and exercise, it is important to understand metabolic syndrome. Essentially, this condition is a lifestyle disease that occurs when a multitude of chronic illnesses related to poor lifestyle choices occur at the same time.

According to the International Diabetes Association, in order to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome you must have a BMI (body mass index) greater than 30, which means you fall into the obese category. You must also have two of the following conditions in conjunction with obesity.

  • Blood Pressure Readings over 130/85
  • Triglyceride levels over 150
  • HDL cholesterol levels under 50 for women and 40 for men
  • Fasting blood sugar levels higher than 100
  • Diagnosed type II diabetes


If you have been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome or believe you meet the criteria for metabolic syndrome, it is important to begin by making some lifestyle changes. The …