Autoimmune Diabetes is a form of Type 1 Diabetes, which requires insulin in order to survive. This Diabetes autoimmune condition is believed to be brought on by a virus, infection, or vitamin deficiency and an overactive immune system views the beta cells inhabiting the pancreas as foreign bodies and attacks them. Due to this action, the pancreas is then unable to secrete insulin and the body has no way to transfer sugar from the bloodstream into the muscles, fat, and tissues for fuel. The result is an elevated level of blood glucose. As insulin is needed for glucose transfer and energy absorption, people with this disease often feel weak and fatigued.

Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA) occurs in the late twenties versus in adolescence. Due to this late age of onset, a doctor may attribute a person’s symptoms to being the result of Type 2 Diabetes. The treatment of …