Diabetes and constipation are continuing problems for many people. According to LifeScript.com, one in every four diabetics experience constipation frequently. In fact, constipation is the most common gastrointestinal issue for people with the disease. So, diabetes and constipation are definitely connected, but in what ways?

Constipation is not only a common problem for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics, but it is also related to other conditions that are connected to diabetes, such as hyperthyroidism. Constipation may also be caused by poor lifestyle choices associated with diabetes such as poor diet and lack of exercise. Finally, constipation may be a side effect of prescription drugs used by diabetics such as blood pressure medications.


Does Diabetes Cause Constipation?


There is still a lot of research being conducted on the effects of diabetes on the body. One reason they have found for diabetes constipation is autonomic neuropathy, or a …