Tag: insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome

Insulin Resistance Syndrome

Insulin Resistance Syndrome is a metabolic condition that people experience when they are unable to use their insulin to convert sugar in the blood into the muscles to be used as fuel for the body. When this happens, the pancreas responds by producing more insulin, which does not get used and blood sugar and blood insulin levels both remain high. Repeated cycles of this process is dangerous to the individual and can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Some medical professionals believe that insulin resistance syndrome may lead to metabolic syndrome or syndrome x, which is also a metabolic disorder in which an individual suffers from a group of disorders characterized by heart disease. Researchers disagree if insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are causational or if they are indeed one in the same. Some experts believe that perpetual effects of insulin resistance and associated risk factors of metabolic syndrome …

Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance Defined

Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are lifestyle diseases. There are many things that can lead to these conditions including a poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity.

Insulin resistance (also known as type II diabetes or adult onset diabetes) occurs when the fat and muscle cells in the body become resistant to the insulin hormone. The insulin hormone is made by the pancreas and is used to help the cells absorb and metabolize blood glucose effectively. If the cells become resistant to the insulin hormone the body is unable to get the necessary nutrients.

Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed when somebody has multiple lifestyle illnesses at the same time. According to the International Diabetes Association, the criteria for metabolic syndrome is having a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 30 in conjunction with two of the following conditions.

  • Triglyceride levels higher than 150
  • HDL levels lower than 50 for women and lower

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