Basic type1 diabetes information:

  • Correct medical terminology for the disease is Type 1 diabetes mellitus
  • Caused by pancreas that produces very little or no insulin at all.
  • Requires treatment with insulin
  • Can develop at any age, but usually begins in childhood
  • Accounts for around 10% of all diabetes cases
  • Is an autoimmune condition


Information on Diabetes Type 1 Causes


Researches don’t have a definitive single cause of type 1 diabetes. Information on type I diabetes causes over the past several decades has led researchers to believe that a family history of type 1 diabetes is a high risk factor, but some patients do develop it with no family history of the disease. It is believed that some people are genetically predisposed and therefore more susceptible to developing type 1 diabetes. Other type1 diabetes information from research suggests that environmental factors trigger the autoimmune response that destroys the …