Diabetes and fever can be a serious combination. Diabetics have to worry about infections far more than non-diabetics because their immune systems are weaker.  This makes it harder for diabetics to fight off infections and it makes diabetics more prone to infections as well. Therefore it is important understand the different symptoms involving diabetes and fever and seek treatment promptly.


Diabetes Fever Chills


Diabetes fever chills are a sign of infection. Diabetes fever is not necessarily an emergency, but should be taken seriously. Normally, they are the result of a bladder infection or some other infection that can be treated easily with antibiotics if care is given soon. However, there are many different types of infections which may bring about fever and diabetes. Some serious infections in diabetes to watch out for are:

  • Infections of the feet
  • Infections of the legs
  • Staph Infections
  • Yeast Infections
  • Bladder Infections


Fever …