People with diabetes tend to carry a certain diabetic smell. People with diabetes tend to have a sweet-smelling odor, often described as being like that of fruit. In cases of ketoacidosis, which is a serious complication of diabetes, the person may actually taste sweet and produce and unmistakable and pungent fruity odor. This is actually a symptom of ketoacidosis.

According to National Geographic, some dogs can smell odors given off by diabetes. In fact, in some cases dogs have been found to warn their owners of oncoming attacks. According to the 2009 article on, a dog trainer and diabetic named Kimberly Cox was appointed by the Cancer and Bio-Detection Dogs organization to investigate this. So, when Kimberly had a hypoglycemic attack, she captured her body scent in cotton wool and bottled the diabetic smell. Later she simulated a diabetic attack by opening the bottle that contained the diabetic …