As a diabetic, there is little information to learn about that is more vital than diabetes amputation causes. Diabetes is a leading cause of amputation throughout the world. Over half of the amputations which occur in the United States are cause by diabetes; most of them are in the lower-extremities. Diabetes amputation causes can, for the most part, be attributed to diabetic neuropathy. Peripheral diabetic neuropathy is characterized by damage to the foot’s sensory nerves and possibly those of the legs, hands, and arms. You don’t have to have diabetes to have neuropathy, but it is much more common in diabetics.

According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC), there are a number of reasons for neuropathies, which in turn are common diabetic amputation causes. These include:

Metabolic Factors – The leading cause of diabetic neuropathy is high blood sugar levels. People who have had diabetes for a long …