With the number of type 1 diabetes diagnosis’s worldwide on the rise, researchers have been looking to a possible link between diabetes and viruses as a cause. While a link has clearly been established, it is not clear that any particular virus directly causes diabetes. Viruses that cause the common cold, flu, and meningitis, the enteroviruses, are of particular concern. The link between diabetes and viruses is detailed in a report published by BMJ in 2011 involving 4448 participants. The study concluded that there is a clinically significant association between type 1 diabetes and viruses in the enterovirus group. The results are still a little controversial.


What does this Study of Diabetes and Viruses Mean?


At the bottom line of the study, the link between diabetes and viruses is established an association of enterovirus and type 1 diabetes at a 95% confidence ratio. The controversial part of the …